Rich@The Prevention Corner, Live Stream on Ecamm

March 19th, 2022 5:55 pm

The Prevention Corner is now on “ECamm” Live Stream. The shows will continue to focus on all things “prevention” addressing issues with senior safety with interviews coming on dealing with dementia, senior abuse, scams, and fraud. Our efforts in helping to promote children’s internet safety and resources for parents will be shared.

I’m also excited about helping to introduce the musicians who are also part of the American Federation of Musicians (AFM # 5) musical skills, the groups they perform with, and how you can hear their music.

Rich@ The Prevention Corner shows can be found on YouTube.

Church Security: Does your church have a plan?

March 31st, 2022 3:31 pm

Over the past ten, (10) years faith communities have become targets for acts of violence and sadly acts of assaults on children, most faith communities have had to address these incidents after they have occurred. We can’t run from the realities of violence that we are seeing in our communities, schools, and faith communities. Addressing these concerns starts with the leadership and is embraced with an action plan.

As a Pastor’s son and growing up in the C.O.G.I.C. and now working with faith leaders of all domination through my position in law enforcement as the (civilian ) Public Safety Community Coordinator, in Pittsfield Twp. MI, I’ve put those thirty (30) years of training into assisting others with providing presentations on establishing “Church Security Teams”. There are many legal challenges that every organization will face and we strive to help to make sure that information is shared to help address specific concerns with your legal counsel, insurance carriers, and your faith communities security team.

I currently serve as the Legislative Liasion for the Crime Prevention Association of MI ( CPAM ) and host a blog for state organizations that can be found at I have video interviews and resources on ID Theft and Fraud scams, personal safety, Internet Safety, and more.

Be blessed, keep your flock “Safe from harm and danger”!

2019 Projects: Prevention Corner / Music production

March 19th, 2022 5:36 pm

June 22, ’19, videotaped ” MI Attorney General’s with two MI Supreme Court Justices, “Listening tour” addressing vulnerable seniors in Michigan. This program will be posted on my national Peg Media TV channel.

Christine Chatman, “The best of” is underway, copyrights are being secured and musicians are being lined up. We have also nominated her for the American Federation of Musician’s Hall of Fame 2019 class.

Live Recording @ 2/42, Ann Arbor, 6/22/18

June 26th, 2018 5:52 pm

Live Recording 6/22/18, “Zach Radcliff and the 2/42, P& W Team”, Christian Rock, Rich Coleman, on percussion for all performing acts, It was a blast.   

Rich Coleman, National Law Enforcement Appreciation event, Detroit Tigers, sings the National Anthem

June 8th, 2018 7:37 pm

Rich Coleman, Public Safety Community Coordinator, Pittsfield Twp. D.P.S.: Singing the National Anthem

On May 30th, 2018, I had an invite from the National Law Enforcement Memorial Organization and the Detroit Tigers to sing the National Anthem. This was an honor to represent the Pittsfield Twp. D.P.S. and the law enforcement community.  I am so grateful for the support of my wife Phyllis, my daughter Britney who surprised me coming in from New York and my son Alex.  Also joining me my sister Evie and Micky, and my Oakwood Church family!

Here is the link to the video from the Detroit Tigers:


Tiger Stadium 5/30/18




Christine Chatman Update, Rhythm and Blues Mag., Feb. 2018

February 1st, 2018 4:14 am

In 2010, Rhythm and Blues published an article about my aunt “Christine Chatman” , Author Dan Kochakian, penned an amazing article about her career, who she performed with on multiple labels during the 1940’s and 50’s. Our family was ecstatic to see the wealth of information and connecting the dots of her musical history. In this February 2018, edition I along with my cousin Anthony Chatman, and Madelyn Green assisted in providing clarification on points of her life, relationships and the family connection to her career.

As a musician  (member of the AFM, Grand Rapids MI)  and touring in the mid 70’s with a show band (Cinnamon) based out of Lansing Michigan I had the opportunity to visit and spend time with Aunt Chris at her home in Jackson TN. She would light up as I’d talked about what it was like touring on the road and playing in venues in Florida and abroad. We shared the good times and bad.  This was an amazing time reflecting back on her playing piano and singing with our families (Coleman’s, Chatman’s and all others) and all of her nieces and nephews since she didn’t have any children.

My Aunt Chris, shared with me the challenges for her during the time where there were very few African American “female” band leaders and what the experience was like to have to rely on others just to be treated fairly and with respect.  I later found out in my research that she had been “black listed” by the Musician’s Union branch in Illinois due to union dues for her band members not being paid.  I was able to get the official records and assist with clearing her name.  

In this edition of Rhythm and Blues February 2018, you’ll find more details and updates that you’ll enjoy reading. What I’m really excited about is that I will be producing a recording (live and studio ) “The best of Christine Chatman” that I’ll be leading from the drums. Oh my do we have the vocals covered.

Christine Chatman’s nieces (Coleman’s and Chatman’s) are amazing singers and joining me on the majority of instruments will also be “family”. I’ll keep this site updated on the progress of the ten (10) song selected. I’m also moving my current AFM #625 membership to the Detroit AFM local # 5, to tap into the great pool of musicians

in the motor city where Christine Chatman also performed .

You’ll be able to pick up this exciting musical venture at CD, I-Tunes, and listen in on my online music site “”

Thanks to Dan Kochakian & Dave Penny, for his research on Aunt Chris and providing our family with an opportunity to assist with this update.

Rich Coleman

“Aint Nothin Shakin”, Peppy Prince, featuring Christine Chatman

Audio Player

Christine Chatman, the Boogie Woogie Queen update

2016 Grammy’s in Chicago

March 29th, 2016 9:41 pm

This year we celebrated the 2016, Grammy celebration in Chicago with my daughter Britney an cast members from “Beautiful, The Carol King Musical”. We had a blast with all of the chapter members!
Rich Coleman, 2016 Grammy's Chicago

Drummers unite: Chris Coleman meets David Garibaldi of Tower of Power

July 14th, 2015 10:34 pm

My nephew Chris Coleman, my twin brothers son and one of the many young drummers who grew up playing gospel music and learning how to keep it in the pocket. My idol “David Garibaldi” of Tower of Power, I’ve got every LP they put out and played all the TOP hits in a 8 piece horn band at CMU and Chris’s dad Ron was on alto sax.  It’s amazing to see this come full circle the impact of TOP. Chris has been recognized as one of the best drummers in the world! and he has earned it with sponsorship from “Sonor, Vic F, ” and more  check out his videos on YouTube and see for yourself!


Chris and Uncle Rich

Check out Chris’s comment I pulled from his Instagram site when he had a chance to hear TOP for the 1st time and meet David:

“THIS cat was the very 1st drummer I saw in a clinic; I was 9yrs old. I’ll never forget it bcs my Uncle Ritchie, my dads twin brother (drummer of the 40+ family members) was/is an Avid fan of David; & so am i !👍👍 Any of you drummers who love “complexity within solidarity” …then you know EXACTLY who this man is & what he has paved/ing for the Music & Drumming industry. Ladies & Gents; “Mr. David Garibaldi” … & to make the night even crazier, my brother/homie/Fav-Deacon, for more than 8yrs now… Sitting in on on bass, laying that “stank” … “Mr. Raymond (UncleDeaconProductions,LLC) McKinley”. The TOP band was smashing tonight @ B.B.Kings, NYC… Crazy!”


Chris and David G, TOP

Roland Drums, I love playing them what an amazing sound!

June 30th, 2015 9:17 pm

Rc's Roland TD 12 kit Rich Coleman

Roland TD 12 , Love the sound!

Roland TD 12 , Love the sound!

9/11 Memorial; “We are CommUnity, America Stand for What is Right”

August 9th, 2014 8:17 pm

Rich Coleman, 9/11, Musical Tribute – “We Are CommUnity”

On Sept. 11, 2014, I will reflect and remember where I was and the impact of the tragic events that would unfold before our eyes over the next 72 hours of non-stop news coverage.   Just one month prior to the fall of the World Trade Center towers I was in those towers with my family visiting New York and after getting tickets for a broadway show at the 2-for-1 island we ventured off to do some sight seeing. Going up in the tower to look at the statue of Liberty was the highlight of the visit until we got up there and it was to cloudy,  the kids were dissapointed but we enjoy being in New York.  Less than one month later I watched the tower fall in disbelief!

As a civilian working for the Pittsfield Twp. D.P.S. in Ann Arbor MI and coordinating crime prevention I knew how important my role would be for our agency and community.  Emergency service personnel from throughout the country heeded the call to go to the three locations to assist and New York needing the highest level of immediate assistance.  For me, I knew that I needed to do something that I could pay my respects and to join the out pouring of support for the heros who left behind love ones and those emergency service personnel that risk and gave their lives.

As a recording artist and leader of a “prevention entertainment” act  my heart lead me to a musical outreach of a song that I wrote and recorded called ,”We are CommUnity: Stand for What is Right” it had the perfect message of hope.  I re-wrote a section of the song and added a spoken portion that recognized all of the hero’s and loved ones who lost their lives and made  the ultimate sacfacrice  doing the job they loved.

I’ve posted this recording at and over the years since it’s release all proceeds will continue to help the organizations , such as the New York Police and Fire Widows and Children’s Benefit Fund, Camp Comfort Zone in New Jersey providing grief counseling, and The American Red Cross.

I have also posted the song and music video traveling with the 9/11 Quilt  at – Search “Rich Coleman”

I am reaching out to the organizers of the New York 9/11 Memorial that open this year to offer access to the song and to make a donation to help sustain this important memorial. Help me by going to CD , ITunes to purchase the song.  All proceeds will continue to be dontated to this important effort.

I look forward to visiting the 9/11 Memorial this year as well.  Be bless, Rich Coleman, Member of the Grammy’s, AFM #625

Rc, dps 9,11 event 2011